Bullet Journaling for Self Development at Work
Bullet journaling simplifies daily planning. By utilising a shorthand that cuts down the lengthy amount of time usually required for planning daily goals and tasks, you can focus on getting your work done. Between sending off work emails and attending meetings, bullet journaling for self development at work helps you to improve your work processes without impacting your daily routine.
Where to Start with Bullet Journaling for Self Development at Work
The starting task for using a bullet journal is to set out your goals and tasks for the weeks ahead. What tasks do you need to complete and when is the deadline? Are there any events you need to attend? Plotting these details into your diary can be time consuming, particularly when you have meetings to attend. Using bullet journaling shorthand is a quicker way to plan. It includes symbols that stand in for certain tasks, including goals and events.
Common bullet journal symbols include:
(•) - An open task.
(x) - A completed task.
(o) - An event.
(-) - A dash, which signifies a space to add any notes.
Developing a clear outline of the tasks you need to complete that month gives you an overview of what needs to be done and how much time you have for extra tasks. One of the key strategies for self development at work is analysis. If you have a clear perspective on all your upcoming projects, events, and meetings, you can spot patterns and strategies for completing your work more strategically.
Becoming More Productive in Less Time at Work with Bullet Journaling
Organisation is key to becoming more productive in less time. Bullet journaling for self development at work helps you to spot which tasks take the most time to complete. As well as the traditional shorthand for tasks, there are others you can use to log down details about the different types of tasks you tackle through the workday. This includes:
(*) - Meetings
(~) - Phone calls
(>) - Sending work emails
(&) - Group work
(#) - Brainstorming
You can also add your own symbols, keys or initials to represent specific tasks from within your industry. E.g:
(Ma) - Marketing
(\) - Drafting
(Pr) - Creating prototypes
By adding these details to your bullet journal, you can see a more comprehensive view of your plans. Which tasks take up the most of your time? Some will be fixed and mandatory, but chances are that many can be shortened or joined with other tasks to save time.
For example, a brainstorming session about a new product might be better to discuss during group work. Simple tasks become unruly due to a lack of organisation. Observing your tasks in this concise way gives you many more opportunities for self development at work.
4 Questions for Self Development at Work with Bullet Journaling
Self development at work focuses on building your skills to develop connections in the workplace, streamline your work systems, learn new skills, and potentially gain a promotion. When bullet journaling for self development at work, it can help to set out your outlook and long term aims in one place within your bullet journal. Here are 4 questions to ask yourself when bullet journaling.
Where do I want to take my career in the next 5 years? - Self development is never a quick fix, it always takes time and preparation. What kind of development do you want to achieve? Maybe it’s a promotion to a new position? Or better pay in your current role? Or perhaps you just want to feel more settled in a new work environment?
What short term goals do I need to reach? - Once you’ve considered the long term, it’s time to zoom in. Self development for work starts with just one small step. What small task can you complete today to reach your goals? Maybe to reach that promotion, you need to develop your skills in a particular area. Why not set aside twenty minutes each day this week to research a new topic?
When can you work on your short term goals? - In order to be successful with bullet journaling for self development at work, you need clear times for tackling your goals, otherwise they can easily be tossed aside when other deadlines are looming. Aim to set aside at least 15 minutes to work on your self development each day. Even if you can’t designate a date, note down potential times with a simple (?) to alert you to these opportunities each time you open your bullet journal.
Which tasks have been the most successful? - Recognising your successes is key to self development at work. If a job goes well, make a note of it in your bullet journal using the (^) symbol.
Bullet journaling is the perfect tool for self development at work, because of its unintrusive structure. You can jot down plans quickly and easily, and refer back to weeks’ worth of information at a single glance. Not only can you see what you’re doing and when, but also track which tasks need to be worked on and which are leading you to your goals. With consistent practice, bullet journaling for self development at work will build your workplace skills to their maximum potential.